MongoDB Delete Documents – MongoDB CRUD Operations Part 3

In this chapter, we will talk about MongoDB delete documents – how to delete documents in the collection. There are many ways in MongoDB from which we can delete documents in the collection:

  • collection.remove()
  • collection.deleteOne() – New in version 3.2.
  • collection.deleteMany() – New in version 3.2.
  • collection.findOneAndDelete()

Let’s read about them in brief.

MongoDB Delete Documents

There are many methods to delete documents in MongoDB as mentioned above. Let’s go through these methods to understand it better.

  • db.collection.remove()

This method deletes a single document or all documents from the collection that match a specified filter. db.collection.remove() method (remove method) works on two parameters.

  • Deletion criteria: Condition on which document has to be deleted. (Match a deletion criteria)
  • JustOne: To remove only one document when set to true or 1.


db.collection_name.remove (DELETION_CRITERIA, JustOne) //where JustOne is optional

E.g.: To remove all documents that match a condition:

db.TutorialsJar.remove({tutorial : "mongodb" } )

This command will delete all the documents from the ‘TutorialsJar’ collection where ‘tutorial’ field is equal to ‘mongodb’.

E.g.: To remove a single document that matches a condition:

If you want to remove a single document that matches a given condition, then use the following syntax.

db.TutorialsJar.remove({tutorial : "mongodb" }, 1 )

MongoDB Delete Documents

E.g.: To delete all the documents from the collection (i.e. pass an empty filter without any condition)


2) db.collection.deleteOne()

This method deletes at most a single document that matches a specified filter even though multiple documents may match the specified filter. This is a new MongoDB delete documents method introduces in v3.2.


 db.TutorialsJar.deleteOne({tutorial : "mongodb" } )

This is similar to db.collection.remove() method with the <justOne> parameter set to true or 1.

3) db.collection.deleteMany()

This method deletes all documents that match a specified filter. This is also a new MongoDB delete documents method introduces in v3.2.

db.TutorialsJar.deleteMany({tutorial : "mongodb" } )

This command will delete all the documents from the ‘TutorialsJar’ collection where ‘tutorial’ field is equal to ‘mongodb’.

4) db.collection.findOneAndDelete()

This method deletes a single document based on the filter and sort criteria, returning the deleted document.


db.collection.findOneAndDelete(filter, options)





     projection: <document>,

     sort: <document>,

     maxTimeMS: <number>,



That’s it in this MongoDB delete documents – MongoDB CRUD Operations Part 3. If you have any queries, please comment in the comment section below. Also, do share your feedback 🙂

Mohit Arora
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